Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Coming Home

getting home was a bear! Kishas car was parked in Chicago and when he river overflowed, the hotel moved the car but had no way of letting us know- when we finally found it, there was about an inch of standing water and it wouldn't start- so we hopped a bus to South Beloit where Fred met us and gave us a ride back to Madison- Thanks Fred! We miss you L,S,L,C and R!! You all are great and really made this trip (and my birthday) a total blast!!!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Day 5

Wow, I can't believe we made it this far- Kisha got up early to pack and is anxious to get back, but I am sad to go- brekfast is before surfing today since high tide is so late in the morning So Shana and I walked the beach in the morning and met the rest of the gang at Jungle surf for our last breakfast. When is the next time I'll order a fruit plate and get a ton of papya, pinapple, waermelon and bananas?- Delicious as usual. Surfing was great and we had another awesome yoga class. Since Kisha and I are leaving tommorrow we get spa today massage and pedicure , can't say I'm not excited for that. i totally fell asleep during my massage but was refreshed and ready that evening to hear Rebeccas brother play at "the backyard" with Coutney, Lindsey, and Shana. Once Mocca and Laura got there we were ready to have o dinner which was to my surprise at Roses (the yogas teacher) retreat center. I had the best spinach quessadiillas with whole grain tortillas. They were served after our appetizer of curry sunflower seeds and fresh brewed ginger and lime grass tea. second course Delicious squash soup and basil pesto garlic bread. The deserts were heavenly chocolate mousse, cocoao balls, and a light cookie with a layer of honey in the middle. This was my favorite dinner by far- When we got back to the hotel we shared pics and emails finished packing and sain g our good bye for nows- Kisha and I have to leave at 4 am to get to the airport in san Jose on time.

Day 4

Sufing was harder this morning being so tired from the night before, but the ocean is so rejuvenating. After lunch and a quick break at the hotel we had yoga with Rose who showed us a bunch of partner poses ( Kisha got mad when I thought she was going to drop me) The yoga studio in the jungle feels so natural and peaceful and Rose is the best teacher ever, she does adjustments that really help you experience the asanas at a whole new level. Instead of the hike, Lindsey and I took a horseback ride to a waterfall, where we covered ourselves in the mineral rich mud, snacked on fresh fruit then rinsed in the waterfall to find the mud made our hair and skin softer than we'd ever felt it. Kisha Rebecca and Shana jogged up to the waterfall to rinse of and Mocca and Laura hiked up, got muddy and hitched a ride home in the back of a pick up truck- Linds and I trotted home with our guides who showed us these cool motion sensitive plants and great smelling yland ylang blossoms. Rebecca took us to an awesome boho spot for dinner and we finished the night at the "jungle" spot in Jaco.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Happy Birthday to me!!

What an AWESOME birthday- surfing went great and we took a really fun canopy tour through the jungle and it didn't rain all day . Kisha got me a cool bracelet I was eyeing in town the day before. At dinner, the great girls here at camp totally surprised me with a cake and cards . We finished the night dancing at a surf joint down the beach from our hotel- Its so beautiful here everything is so green and lush and the ocean is beautiful. Ciow

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Oh Yum!!

We went out for Gelato after supper tonite- both were sooooooo good. Todays conversation was all about relationships and peoples background- We realized how diverse, yet how similiar we are. Kisha wears her ipod and dances all over the place trying to teach us all the cupid shuffle. Last night she taught me to "step" to R. Kelly's "step in the name of love". Can't wait 'till my birthday tommorrow.

Day 2

Oh my Gosh , This is so tiring- We surfed this morning in the rain, hiked through the mud and did yoga on a platform in the middle of the jungle (while it downpoured). Fortuanately the sun came out for us to shop for a bit in town.

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Hike

Our hotel is on the ocean and the restaraunt practically on the beach- When we hiked it got really hot and then rained and felt so good. We came back to the hotel for a healthy lunch before yoga class at 6:30. Check the pics.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

black sand - By Kisha

At 6 we had to meet our instructor. ( Guess what no clocks) Being the black ladies that we are, we were late. We were given some fruit and our water for the week. She told us that we will start with surfing in the morning at 6:45 am. We met 4 other American women that will be with us for the week. We were the only ones that came with each other. These are some brave women. Their names are Lindsay, Courtney, Shawna, and Laura. They are really nice and everyone is in their 20's, but Sarah and Laura. (ha ha, I'm still young and youthful) The ladies decided to meet to go to a pizza restaurant that was suggested by our instructor.
She told us to walk down the beach. These are the directions. We were lost. No one gives directions. No street signs, no street lights, and nothing but sand. Good thing we were with the others, because we would not have made it. Sarah enjoyed the food and feels like she is in her element with this healthy stuff. I may starve. Everything is nasty to me. Pray for me.

Did I mentions that we are the only ones that are married or have kids. Way to go moms!!!!!!

We're Leaving!!

Leaving the Hyatt at 4:00 am this morning was painful, I was really tired, and it was cold and thunderstorming- still we were excited to be leaving. We slept on the way to Miami- but my evolving motion sickness made the flight to costa rica and the drive to the beach very unpleasant to say the least. The poor cab driver had to pull over at least 3 times, then he was nice enough to stop at a gas station and let me clean up. He said I wasn't the first passanger who couldn't handle the hilly windy roads. The country side of CR is really beautiful, but didnt take a lot of pictures being so sick- Well we are to meet in the Lobby at 6 to get the scedule for the week. Just wanted to post a quickly and upload the few pics we took at the airport. Ciow!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom!!!

Mary jo is 59 !!! and we celebrated at the union last night. Grandma looked great, and we all had fun eating popcorn, playing in the fountain, sharing double scoops of delicious babcock ice cream and listening to bands play. Cheers, to another great year Ma!!! - and today it's off to Chicago, Kisha and I will need to be at the airport by 5 am tommorrow morning and our adventure will finally begin.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

oh no!

After hearing the surf camp is a killer "boot camp" workout, we decided to start swimming more and working out harder to make sure we would be up to the challenge. But the plan seems to have backfired. I woke up Monday feeling horrible and Kisha went in to a doctor on Wednesday for the flu and is still sick. Please pray for her to be well for the trip, we leave in 2 days.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Monona Terrace - August 11th


I can finally breathe a sigh of relief, as my passport has arrived. I'm really getting excited about the trip since we talked to someone who's been to the Del Mar surf camp and says we are sure to get a great workout- even the yoga is vigorous. It shouldn't be as rainy as i thought either and it is sure to be plenty HOT!

The Monona Terrace was jammin last night with BBI performing any and everything. Tonja and I took the kids, Saw Odette and Thomas, and later meeting up with Carrie and Nicholas. I must admit I was surprised to see carrie take it all the way to the flo(or), but that little thing can really work it!
check the pics

Sunday, August 5, 2007


I was able to get the video clips on the site by first uploading them to you tube-but it took a long time and there's no sound bummer- FYI scroll up after you open the video because it will be playing at the top of the blog

Saturday, August 4, 2007

shooting pool

Hangin out before we leave

Finally! Busyharbor is ready to take off- that's a reason to celebrate (so we did).
We met at Abuelos for dinner, played pool and cards at Blue Chalk and finished up at.... well, I don't know the name of the place; it was someplace Becky knew about. Here's how it all went down: our conversation kept it real, and everyone kept their cool ;-) Becky continuously rocked the pool tables (feel free to post comments if anyone disagrees), Tad rocked the cards, and we all rocked the mic. Some rocked it a little harder than others, Fred ("Bi-atch").