Sunday, August 19, 2007

black sand - By Kisha

At 6 we had to meet our instructor. ( Guess what no clocks) Being the black ladies that we are, we were late. We were given some fruit and our water for the week. She told us that we will start with surfing in the morning at 6:45 am. We met 4 other American women that will be with us for the week. We were the only ones that came with each other. These are some brave women. Their names are Lindsay, Courtney, Shawna, and Laura. They are really nice and everyone is in their 20's, but Sarah and Laura. (ha ha, I'm still young and youthful) The ladies decided to meet to go to a pizza restaurant that was suggested by our instructor.
She told us to walk down the beach. These are the directions. We were lost. No one gives directions. No street signs, no street lights, and nothing but sand. Good thing we were with the others, because we would not have made it. Sarah enjoyed the food and feels like she is in her element with this healthy stuff. I may starve. Everything is nasty to me. Pray for me.

Did I mentions that we are the only ones that are married or have kids. Way to go moms!!!!!!

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