Sunday, August 19, 2007

We're Leaving!!

Leaving the Hyatt at 4:00 am this morning was painful, I was really tired, and it was cold and thunderstorming- still we were excited to be leaving. We slept on the way to Miami- but my evolving motion sickness made the flight to costa rica and the drive to the beach very unpleasant to say the least. The poor cab driver had to pull over at least 3 times, then he was nice enough to stop at a gas station and let me clean up. He said I wasn't the first passanger who couldn't handle the hilly windy roads. The country side of CR is really beautiful, but didnt take a lot of pictures being so sick- Well we are to meet in the Lobby at 6 to get the scedule for the week. Just wanted to post a quickly and upload the few pics we took at the airport. Ciow!

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